How to Enable Social Media Feed - TheSEOGuy

4 min readDec 8, 2020


Social Media Feed

Social Media Feed

Social Media Feed is basically the content which you post on your different social media platforms. It could be any platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube or twitter. When you post content on your social media platform the content is available for users so you get both brand content and user generated content. For example, you could enable your twitter feed and along with your posted update, user can also see the retweets and replies which are created by users.

Comments, likes and shares are accessible for users.

Enabling Social Media feed is a practice of showing your social media current updates on your website by creating a block or column on your web pages. Feed basically is a term which means to share updates whenever new content is available. It could be your Twitter Wall, Facebook News Feed, Instagram updates or Pinterest Pins. Depending on your need, you could create social media feed from your specific social media handle and display it on your website.

Social Media Platforms are good for a brand to generate views and reach out to people. It helps to showcase your business, services or products to a larger audience. You can imagine the power of social media by it’s users. nearly half of the world uses Social Media. Approximately 4.57 billion people around the world now use the internet and are actively using social media platforms.

According to DatePortal Report the number of online activity has been increased during the lockdown due to Covid-19.

Enabling social media feed on website is your chance to give your users a chance to have a look at your social media updates with ease.

Enabling Social Media feeds

Enabling social media feed on website is a good practice. In order to enable feeds, you need to have some basic knowledge of HTML and codes so that you could easily implement this on your website. There are thousands of platform on which you could develop your website and every platform has it’s own method to implement feeds on web.

Given below are the steps to enable social media feeds using different methods

  1. Java Script
  2. jQuery Plugin
  3. Enable Feed using PHP
  4. List of Pugins to enable Social Media feed in WordPress

You could choose the option whichever is easy for you and enable social media feeds on your website or blog.

Benefits of Enabling Social Media Feeds on website

There could be different and multiple benefits of enabling social media feeds. Let’s discuss major benefits of enabling social media feeds on your blog or website.

Built trust and Credibility by collecting User Generated Content

User Generated Content is one of the most important type of content for search engine crawlers. Credibility of User Generated Content is higher. For example the reviews, testimonials and comments. These are generated by users and you can’t control them. Good reviews and positive feedbacks build a trust between you and your website visitors.

Increase User Engagement

By enabling your social media feed on your website or blog page, you provide an option to your website users to interact with you directly using social media feed. For example, if you enable your twitter timeline on blog posts, your users can see all your twitter feeds and they can respond instantly. This practice drives good engagement and helps to you make your user stay on your website.

In Above video, you could see how to enable twitter feed on your website and benefit of having feed on your blog page or website.

Enhance Website Design and Layout

Social Media feed blocks could be additional feature for your website layout. You could use the blocks according to your web layout and enhance website UI. You can literally place the block either on side bar, footer header or in between the page content. Depending on your marketing strategy or website design, you can use these blocks.

These blocks are customizable so you can put any layout according to your website design.

Increased Sale and Conversions

Getting a lead on website and converting that lead into sale require a lot of efforts. If a user has submitted a review or rating for your product or services on any social media platform such as facebook, you could showcase that and use it to built a trust between your users. Trust is a big factor in converting potential lead into a sale. Most people buy product or services after checking review and ratings.

This is your chance to use your social media image or brand reputation to built trust between website visitors.

Originally published at on December 8, 2020.




Written by TheSEOGuyIndia

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